Monday, August 1, 2011

Third Guerra Mundial! aprieten ese cu...!

WORLD WAR III ohhhh sh$ttttttttt!
awww man... I knew Activision's logo ever since i can remember..come on, this atari was at my parents room, with lots of these games, now... im part of it.. wow

The amazing good news is the new project im working on. I am along the super talented team of Activision/Sledgehammer making the new Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Mother F$%^ing Bad ASS! :)
This is the first time i have realized how crazy cinematic games are (i mean its just another level!), the line between games and movies keeps on getting thinner, specially in games like this one.
This game is aiming to a bigger, faster and crazier experience and i am definitely trying to help get to it. I grew up loving video games, and i have always found myself saying stuff like "this animation could be soo much better here.. the composition could be better there, that could make the game so much better etc", now i feel i can finally do a lil something about it! With a team that feels just like i do! (who are much more talented than i am to make it happen!) yeeiii!!

I'm having a blast doing this big crazy cinematic moments and having a lot of creative freedom along with working with the animation director. I forgot all the technical difficulties that go along with working on a game, but its all worth it. Besides, it forces you to learn technical tricks and discover very useful scripts along the way. We have to make it look awesome, still we cant forget its a game, therefore sometimes you have to compromise a little bit. This is no excuse for this specific project , GOOD ENOUGH ISN'T! (trowing a lil Activision motto righ thur...)
I am also refining my physicality skills working in this ultra actioncrazypack (i have always wanted to use that term) realistic animation game, a lot of the times we start with mocap data, just as a start. We usually have to do heavy fixing, modifying, sawing together (Frankenstein, a sequence together since there is no "cuts" most of the time) or in many other cases, hand key the whole motion. I have never really played too much with a very dynamic camera myself, but with this project i have done some crazy cinematic moments. This has definitely forced me to start thinking in different ways, and to learn a couple of tricks of the trade, camera is a huge part in any cinematic sequence(or in any sequence really...).

I am very excited to be part of probably THE biggest gaming release EVER, and "business $" wise, THE biggest launch in entertaining (wow, loco). We are very busy right now hitting some deadlines and making the game sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet, till the next post.

Venezuela sin Transformers :(

Translation "Transformers 3... not right now... maybe tomorrow..." say whaaaaat

"...half of the world with opening dates... but Venezuela..."
and Miss Rosie

hola hola hola, first of all i wanted to start by congratulating all the Transformers 3 crew at ILM for an awesome show and doing great at the box office! I saw the movie on an IMAX 3D (yep my brain was a lil overwhelmed). It was very surreal to see my name up on the big screen along with the rest of my team's, very proud of it. Long and challenging hours went to that beautiful visual spectacle of a movie, if you haven't seen it, then go! :)

The weird and crappy news is that Transformers 3 WONT be playing in theaters in Venezuela (my home country!), it will be played across the world except Venezuela (and i think China?), rumors say the reason is because Venezuela is mentioned at some point in the movie or there is something about Venezuela in the film, which is totally false ( well i worked on it, that's the only tiny bit of Venezuela in the movie? haha) anyways, it sucks. (UPDATE: Venezuela owns Paromaunt some dinero, really? Venezuela, where r we going?!!! also this probably means.. no Capitan America?!.